Hi folks... Busterigo Vespucci...explorer of N.Y.C. here... Did you all learn some Italian from Lucia? Well I did too...and I explored my Irish heritage for lots of "attitude"....and a bit of feistiness ...and found a whole bunch of my Wilsons..... and I asked dolce piccola Lucia to go to the dance with me --- She said YES!!! I'm so excited...we will have LOTS of fun. Stay tuned for an account of the Rainbow Room and more. later, Busterigo Vespucci
OK folks it's TRUE COLORS THURSDAY brought to you by Blue/aka Poopsie! We are doing BEIGE!!! a definition follows........ beige(bzh)
1. A light grayish brown or yellowish brown to grayish yellow.
2. A soft fabric of undyed, unbleached wool.
Light grayish-brown or yellowish-brown to grayish-yellow.
As we searched through the files....we found the best beige picture of our "Uncle" Clancey....he's actually "wheaten" but I'd say that's considered beige. He is waiting for everyone up on the rainbow bridge so we blue kerrys thought it a good idea to add him to our blog so you all can recognize him.
Lets not forget, sand sand and more sand... it must be beige... sandy beige. ---------------> A little French beige thrown in for good measure.
Also while we're at "the beach"...let's not forget these really neat palm tree trunks. Do they call them trunks on palms? I think this one has a realllllllly neat texture. sort of a basket weave trunk. a wrapped trunk? whatever kinda trunk it is, it's beige!
OH!!!!-- we can not forget this little guy------> Little baby armadillo is kind of a greyed down beige... very strange little being -- love the ears!
As we searched around for things of beige-ness we did come upon Ms.Blue splayed out on her beige bed completely zonked.....so hey, for the blog -- we took a picture of her sawing wood-- well this is what we came up with anyhow----------->
Softee bed with a real softee blue gurlie ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
There are so many beigeeee colors so here's a warm beige & a grey beige & not to forget a French beige.. a cool beige... Ah hell here's a very BEIGE!!!!! picture!
ok ok.. so we figure the beach is beige in a lot of different light. While it may reallllllly not be beige, it appears more beige... could be the water in the air refracting light and softening all those edges out there and muting the sharpness of the colors....or could it just be beige...? AH well... one more thing to ponder..... and -- another beach picture -- the dunes. With not as much water in the air.... ---->
Now for something rather interesting... my humomm's collection of strange objects used to stop up wine bottles..... Just a small section of the COLLECTION OF CORKS! Check out some of the little pictures on these little things... very cool! She said if she collects enough of them she'll build a beige boat! We can go sailing! WhooOOoooo00. In this small group of the corks...there are beige -- beige and more beige..
Just one last little picture to top things off.... We have to tell theBUSTER: "nO No nO...do not crunch on these little guys...! Beige peanuts....... g'bye!
So folks... that's our BEIGE post for True Colors Thursday.... theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue as herself...
Well all you spring seekers.....here she is.. Ms. Spring herself "Persephone"...oh and the dude giving her a hug -- wellllll that's Hades, he's stealing her away to the underworld to be his loving wife. Now one would think that was an interesting state of affairs, but her mom, Demeter, isn't so happy about this. Hades isn't exactly the stellar son-in-law, and also the underworld kind of contradicts everything about Persephone. So -- the deal is, Persephone can marry Hades but only if she can come back to our world for at least some of the time. i.e. winter she disappears down into the underworld and spring she emerges and brings flowers and all things fecund (you know rebirth, etc)... so then you get all the flowers and new growth etc... which is SPRINGTIME IN PEOPLE TERMS!
So our little spring chicky is, our very own, Ms. Persephone, born on April 13th 2003....not exactly the first day of spring, but she is indeed the Dark Empress of Hades -- in more ways then one.
Notice the cute smile, dreamy eyes, long flowing beard and the curls...oh the curls<------we are a bit on the odd side -- now who has the active inner life? Still we all would like to wish you a veryhappy ∞S P R I N G ∞ •春• •v e r n a l e q u i n o x • • printemps•• άνοιξη • • primavera• • весеннее время • •Frühjahr •
From us: theBUSTER, Ms. Persephone & Ms. Blue too!
a very l o n g peeeeee esssss:
SCHEDULE: 1st ferry outta hell leaving in 60 seconds -- reservations available at: 666•666-6666-charon's-ferry-service-outta-hell.
And..... here's our very own river Styx..........Persephone got safe to the other side, saying "Who0OO0o0OO0 --So long, Charon*-- see you in the fall!!!"
*see that little guy way down at the end of the river....that's the Boatman.
Another pee ess: Addendum to the previous revelation of almost fact -- Just another apocryphal story attributed to Homer, whose origins remain rather murky...
When Persephone was granted her wish to return to Earth to usher in the season of flowers and fecundity, Hades’ faithful dog, Cerberus, wanted to go too. Someone had to dig the holes to plant the flowers, and Cerberus was excited. However, Zeus had decreed that no three-headed dogs were to be allowed on Earth. It tended to upset the natives. But—Persephone interceded, and Zeus allowed Cerberus to go with her on the provision that each of his heads would inhabit the body of a different dog.
Therefore, one of Cerberus’ heads dwelt in the body of Persephone herself. Another inhabited the body of Busteros, renowned scourge of badgers and chipmunks. And a third came to dwell within the petite frame of Baeliboppus, the canine sibyl and enchantress who forecast the futures of penitent humans at the Oracle of Delphi.
O.K... enough for today we are once again, theBUSTER, Ms. Persephone & Ms. Blue too! signing off to go enjoy a day out of doors!!
POOF! GREEN...we can do green..... infact most of the last blog entry was green for St. Paddy's day. Does that count? I, theBUSTER will now appear w/a very special hat -- that just happens to be G R E E N ! <------SEE I THOUGHT GREEN AND IT APPEARED ON MY HEAD---> <-----this is Bustercaun!! A powerful thought................................... I think and it appears! lets see, what else IS green in this spot of the world?
I'd say that the bamboo fort is green.. Ms. Persephone has just emerged so everything around here will be very green in a very short time--------------------------->
Persephone loves to snooooof through the green pachysandra -- in hopes of finding M.chippyMunks hole. Only Ms.Blue has actually caught a chipmunk ....and it was not coming out of the pachysandra.
Here is another one of Persephone's friends. Don't know his name, although he is sporting a fine growth of GREEN stuff that grows in just the right places when its damp outdoors. I do relate to his expression.
So here I am in a bed of GREEN & white lily of the valley, relaxing, because I have been searching for my Wilson's and these big GREEN leaves seem to steal my Wilsons.... HARUUMPH!
Nature Nature Nature = GREEN GREEN GREEN ---------------------> Here's a sweet little pool where the TROUT live...and get caught & Live & get caught & Live & well, you get the general idea. It's got lots of green leaves and light, which flicker through the green leaves -- and makes a green reflection on the water so that = GREEN too.
<------- now for my last green item I would like to expound upon BROCCOLI <-------it is green and kind of funny because it rolls around in your mouth and is bumpy......and tasty......and good for you! So eat broccoli bones for snacks and you will grow up strong -- like ME theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone <----goddess of green!!!oopsy I mean Spring & Ms. Blue who today is GREEN.
Happy GREEN to all and to all a goodmorning! Oh... if you continue to read DOwn....there's a whole bunch of our "green stuff" in our St Patrick's Day Post...
Today we should all sit down and drink to the old sod....even if you're not Irish we still need to drink to the old sod <---- exactly what is the old sod. Hmmmmm well according to my old grampappy... it looks something like this-->
Kind of reminds me of a Kerry Green Terrier... they are very rare.... notice the blue eye (upper right hand side) and the beard-------------------------------> not to mention the curly green legs, with the brown feet <---must have been running around the peat bogs. ----------------------------------> You can't see the wagging tail because his butt is in the clouds. Sort of reminds me of someone. Good old Butt in the Clouds.. one of the very first Irish Indians that lived in the U.S of A.
Well folks, now you know -- Ireland looks like an emerald green, Kerry Green Terrier. Our long lost cousins live right there in County Kerry.....so that's the history lesson for today. Let's get on with a toast to the old sod...
Here's a Buster Guinness toast to me ole granny.....
Here's to you and yours And to mine and ours. And if mine and ours Ever come across to you and yours, I hope you and yours will do As much for mine and ours As mine and ours have done For you and yours!
Here, Here...!
So the gurls asked me out today to partake of a wee pint of the liquid gold....... and, well it was a bit larger then a "wee pint"!
But I did rise to the occasion.... and then promptly laid back down.
WoW! Another St. Patrick's Day almost over.... This was memorable! I toasted to all my blog buddies, and all my Wilsons.....and to the Irish Kerry Blue Terriers -- all of my relatives. In the meantime Ms. Blue & Ms.Persephone were also celebrating -- of course Ms.Persephone will more than likely be celebrating from now until Saturday, the first day of spring. Those pesky gurlies took my bench while I went looking for the leprechauns. Ms.B said she saw some way out in the yard. Past the "monster bamboo." Persephone is looking with me.
Foolish little dogs... HAH! fooled them, now I have the bench all to myself and they're out looking for leprechauns.
Just a bit O' Blarney to keep them busy for the afternoon, whilst I take my nap.
With St. Paddy's Day three days away, and the threat of general chaos, disorder, and inebriation, it has become my responsibility to ensure the security of my estate. Desperate times require desperate measures. Constable Bailey, at your service!
There have been rumors of drunken airedales in the neighborhood. Heavens--have they no respect for the public repose?
Let me demonstrate my advanced surveillance technique. NOTHING escapes the attention of Constable Bailey...
Not even the birds!
I think it's time to strike terror into the heart of that subversive Jack Russell terrier next door. One stern glance, and he'll be a quivering mass of gelatinous protoplasm!
An important element of my technique is the IMW (Intermittent, Muted Woof).
Watch this!
This ensures that any reprobate squirrel or nefarious feline knows that these premises are protected by Kerry Blue Security. It took years of training to master the glottal stop requisite to the "muted woof" technique. It subliminally communicates unspeakable terror by unleashing a program in the prefrontal cortex that replays all known episodes of "Gilligan's Island."
At the end of the day, I turn over my security duties to my primate mom and take a well-earned break.
Maybe a pint o' Guinness might not be that bad.
I love my work, but even constables have to let their hair down every so often.
It was an ordinary Saturday afternoon in the tropical rainforest of Connecticut when Buster the Wonder Dawg and his human lackey set off on yet another journey--in search of Buster's Shadow.
There is a legend in these parts that if Buster sees his Shadow at the cusp of High Noon before the Ides of March, there will be six more weeks of boring re-runs of "It's Me or the Dog" on Animal Planet. And Persephone, the Dark Goddess of the Underworld, will require six more weeks to bring Spring to the Northern Hemisphere.
So it was time to head for the Land of Shadows, in Deepest, Darkest Hubbard Park, to see if there was in fact a Shadow that belonged to Buster!
There was ice on Lake Merimere, but no Shadow.
Desperate trees penetrated the basalt, and a shadowy apparition began to show itself...
But it was the human lackey's shadow--not Buster's.
Buster contemplated the potential whereabouts of his Shadow, and he began to think Deep Thoughts...
Buster had long believed that rolling stones gather no moss, but this could not be true in such a strange place! If green things were growing on cold rock, maybe it would be possible to find the dark absence of reflected photons.
The Wonder Dawg began an "expanding square" search, in an effort to systematically track down his Shadow...
The light began to drop lower on the horizon, and the shadows of nearby trees assumed gargantuan proportions. Buster thought: "Imagine what MY shadow might look like?"
And there it was! Buster was so proud of himself. Bustersaurus Rex? The Creature from the Murky Depths of Lake Merimere? It didn't matter...It was big and scary!
Helios, Persephone's old buddy, settled in the west, and the shadows began to recede.
But on the walk back, Buster's shadow offered just one more encore in the polarized light.
"I'm one terrifying dude," Buster thought. "If anyone crosses me, I'll just unleash my Shadow on him, and that'll be the end of it!"
Buster then thought of the six more weeks of lethargic Animal Planet programming, and the long wait until Persephone got her butt in gear to bring Spring to subarctic Connecticut, and he became profoundly depressed.
Sigh... Shadow-seeking is hard work, and I'm dead tired!
Maybe Spring will come early.....
Maybe I'll take a nap and wake up to the girls licking my ears....
Maybe an evening of Animal Planet isn't so bad after all.....