Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ode to a Blue Blanky -- By Persephone

Some dogs have rhinestone collars
That cost lots of dollars,
Some poodles have oodles
Of toys and things chewable.

I have something better
That will last me forever,
A true friend for days
That bring rain or sun's rays.

I've my Mommy to thank
For my wondrous blue blank-y,
It keeps me warm when it's chilly
And secure when life's silly.

It has a soft blue sky
With green stars to sleep by,
So comfy for my head
When Mom goes to bed.

On days that are dreary
When my mood is less cheery,
I contemplate things that are scarey and feary...

But my blue blanky clings
To my cheeks and it sings
Of sweet dreams and skunk chases,
And Buster's funny faces!




Dandy Duke said...

Another poet! Great job, Sephie and BTW, we love your pretty blue blankie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Putter said...

Super Duper Blankie Sephie! That is coolest ever!!!!!


Putter ...:)

Stanley said...

Oh, Sephie Girl!

I think this is the first time I have actually seen your eyes! They are gorgeous!

You are also a fine poet in your own right, but then again, you have great inspiriation!

Goober love,

Noah the Airedale said...

Like Stanely I don't think I've ever seen your eyes or eye in this case.
You have a wonderful relationship with your blankie. You're very lucky.

Hugs and tail wags

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wat a meaningful poem...thanks for sharing, persephone....

Jake of Florida said...

What an inspired poem! Do you know Linus from the comic strip Peanuts? His blanky is blue and he cannot be without it. But he never wrote such a bluetiful hymn to it.

As for chasing alligators -- we don't want to dampen your fun, but it is more likely that the alligators would chase us dogs. They deserve to be respected, like all creatures of this world, and have the right habitat; but they are not our friends. We would be barely a mouthful.

Jake and Just Harry

Persephone and Buster said...

thanks all of you... my humomm says i have snappy black eyes.. just like my mom, ms. blue.
persephone of the blue blanket