1. Your age? B & P 4yrs -- ms.B 7
2. Your age when came to live with your people? B & P we was born here! ms. B 12 weeks old
3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? we're nekked.. no collars unless we're out and about
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? B & P...we like pepe & lisa....ms. B - uncle wayne
5. How much do you weigh?B, 42lbs, P. 34 lbs, ms.B 31 lbs
6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up? B...the new cherry table ;o[, P. my humomm's cell phone (i called my sister),ms. B if you added alll the paper i've shredded that would be it
7. Do you like other Dogs?B..sometimes, P. uh..most of them, ms.B yup as long as they don't get in my face...
8. Who is your best non-human friend? B. my mom ms. b, P. my mom ms. b, ms. b the twins, buster & persephone
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls? B. tennis balls, P. neither i like bones, ms. B squeaky toys
10. Do you like to be brushed? B. yup i do.., P. oh yes - makes me boooteefull, ms. B oh yes..i snooze while it's being done
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? B. peanut butter...cheese..uh...both, P. cheese, ms. B both mmmmmcheese mmmpeanut butter
12. Do your people cut your toenails? B. P. & ms.B nope they grind them w/the dremel...works great!
13. Any formal education? B...obedience, rally-- i got a cgc, P. yes agility, ms.B, yes, agility, rally, i have a cgc
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? B. energizer bunny, P. couch potatoe princess, ms. B energizer bunny
15. Five nicknames your people call you ?B. bluster buster, buster bear w/the curlie hair, booostorious, BOP!, P., purrr sa phone, sephalina Beana, sweet pea,spoo, ms.B...beeeza, balallee balue, whoolie worm,bummbeldebee
16. What is your best trick? B...bop the ball back to my momm, P. double 5's on a sit pretty, ms.B, sit pretty and walk along the back of the couch...agility ''stuff'', tunnel,teeter, a-frame, jumps...i do love to jump
17. Do you like kitties? B, P. & ms B... for dinner they're ok
18. What did you have for breakfast? raw egg, glop, and some canidae mixed in for crunchies
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? B. i'm a peacenik, P. i helped take out a grackle in flight, ms.B a chipmunk and a grackle so far..i'm waiting for dale to come outta the hole..
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? B. a year ago for a check-up, P & ms. B. last week for our check-up we got our titres done...
21. Where do you sleep at night? in our room..in our houses...
22. Do you like to swim? B. well yessss i do, P. and get my curls wet.. yeh sometimes, ms.B. i LOVE to swim
23. Can you make puppies? B. only when asked nicely, P., uh. .yes , ms. B. i made those two ;o]
24. Do you give kisses? B., yes yes i do.. i 'm a kisser, P. i selectively kiss, ms. B oh yes i do love kisses
25. Can you potty on command?B., P. & ms. B... yes we can....
26. To Cuz or not to Cuz? B., P., & ms.B....i guess not.. cuz the last cuz we had buster took the feet off...and then the squeaker... us gurlieez thought it was kinda cute until he did that..