Hi folks, this is Ms. Persephone ... speaking to you from leaf city, USA.
Ms. Blue and I -- with the help of the humans and the machine they call the LEAF BLOWER-- have found the "Lost World of BALLS"...
they have been hiding.
Just FYI, that would be the BALLS owned by the BUSTER
and lost by the BUSTER "outside" the house....
The BALLS "inside" the house ... welllll that is just a completely different story and will have to be told at another time, ahem.
Notice how nicely all the Wilsons and Squeakers and Penns line up....
Some are frozen --
some are sopping wet --
alllll are very dirty.
We all know what happens when something is dirty....THEY GET A BATH!
Some will remember from a previous post the "HOLY MOLIE" BALL?
The BALL that developed a "tooth" when it broke.
Well this is the blue squeaker BALL -- BEFORE it became a toothed BALL.
It was found frozen under the leaves ...
When the BUSTER chomped on it.. poof!! it cracked
and became a "toothed BALL!"
All the Balls went to feed the monster in the dungeon.
The hudad put them in the monster with the slippery soapy stuff....
bang, boom, schlug schlug schlug, boombiddyboom, whoosh went the
THEN the hudad put the BALLS in the other HOT monster
Man that monster has some serious problems...very noisy!
it does dry those tennis BALLS very well.
Wilsons, Squeakers, and Penns
and some we never ever heard of before are cuddled in the cushy bed.....
Some of OUR soft toys got tossed in at
the same time ...
& well ...
there's just nothing like a warm Raffie
or duck,
or goose, to cuddle with up in bed....
Of course...the BUSTER has a bit of a dilemma......CHOICES!! CHOICES!!
He still hasn't figured out how to make choices...he wants ALLLLLL OF THE BALLS AT ONCE!
the Buster HAS NOT patience-- he wants them all NOW!
But --
he can only pick up one ball in the mouth and some in the paws at the same...
He just can't figure out how to carry all of them at the same time....pooooooor BUSTER.
The humomm said she's going to make him a back-pack to carry his collection of
balls in...so he can carry them ALL!
Well, this is Ms. Persephone, signing off.... have a great weekend!
:0 <------that's my paw print, minus a couple of toes