Saturday, January 7, 2012

Okay--there's absolutely NO excuse for failure to keep up with important correspondence.  Bailey here.  Please find a way to forgive me.  I have been, well, indisposed.

As you can see, I have been fitted with a humiliating Clown-Suit, and I have been subjected to the most unnerving harassment by my human tormentors.

It seems that Doctor Joe had to remove a lump from my Nether regions, and because I am a terrier, those blessed primates don't trust me to leave well-enough alone!

Gracie, of course, slithered around with her big brown eyes, looking like a canine Shirley Temple.  She mocks me.

Buster's on a chewing-spree, but we shall not speak of that.  Suffice it to say that Gracie has picked up all his annoying habits and a few of her own.  Such as an alarmingly deep-throated bark and a tendency to go airborne without warning.  

I really MUST take some photos and write more.  In the meantime, I shall leave you with a picture of Friday night's sunset, as seen from the University of Hartford.  I'm doing post-grad work in bedding evisceration and fiberfill mastication there.

Your almost-faithful correspondent,




Molly the Airedale said...

Oh no! Not the dreaded lampshade, Bailey. At least it's one of the soft ones. We hope you feel better soon and are kicking Buster's hiney for him!
We saw that exact sunset in Wallingford on Friday night!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Thuglets said...

Bailey..poor you we how you are now well on the road to recovery. We rather liked your clown suit!
We wish you would post more often, we miss ya!
Lovely sunset. Come back soon and let us know how you are.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Shane Kent Louis said...

Wow, I'm happy for you Bailey, you look so beautiful on your outfit today! :)

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