Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Kreative Blogger Award...

WhoooOOOOoo00, we got an award!!! from our friend Ms.Asta, from the BIG Apple.. It's a cool award about us being "Kreativ"...we are soooooo excited.. Thank you Asta!!
We also need to give it to 7 blog buddies we like to visit, because they are also "Kreativ". We must first the "Love List"...

The rules are;

1. Post it on your blog and link to the doggie that gave it to you.

2. List 7 things you love.

3. List 7 blogs you love.

4. Email or comment on the blogs you love to let them know you've given them an award.

Seven Things The Blues Love:
Well we love lots of "stuff".

1. Ms.Persephone Loves to GO .... that's it ---> GO.. she goes, on walks, goes in the car, goes in the paddle boat, goes to work, she just goes... so she loves to "GO".

2. Ms. Blue loves to swim in the lake with the humomm...just paddling away after a wubba or a disc....or playing monkey in the middle <------she's always in the middle! 3. theBUSTER...well, we all know he does love his "Wilsons"...yellow, red, pink multi-colors...he is a "Wilson" fanatic. 4. Ms. Persephone loves to be the "only" dog. "It's all about ME." She says we cramp her style <-----that's ok we still love her ---->the Dark Empress of Hades has just brought back springtime! and we all love spring.

5. Ms. Blue loves to herd sheep and show off her wonderful whurls and twurles!!

6. theBUSTER, loves being BUSTERIGO, & theBUSTER!

7. The Blues love traveling and doing new and different things , like strongdog (drawdog), playing with the sheep and just doing stuff with our crazy people..

We would love to give this to 7 of our favorite "Kreativ" blogs ! Number one would be Ms. Lucia <----one of our new most favorite friends (especially theBUSTER's!), the Dughallmor Beagles with all of their beeeeUteefull pictures, Ms. Jade in Sweden, and Ms. Faya in Switzerland, and lets not forget, Blogdog , he and his little man have some very neat adventures, on their blog....Penny & Poppy look like they would enjoy this too, so these are our picks for the Kreative Award. We hope you all enjoy them.
Your blog-buddies, theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue.


Dughallmor Beagles said...

Oh, you guys n gals are so sweet to think of us! Congrats on the award and thanks for passing it to us :D We'll put it in tomorrow's post as we've just finished tonight's.
Still struggling to catch up and visit everyone so sorry if we've been awol for ages!
Congrats to theBuster on his love life! Will he and the lovely Lucia be going to Myrna's wedding? Hehe, see you there!
Thanks again for the award :o)
Slobbers xx

Clive said...

Hi guys
Thank you so much for the award - we are delighted. We loved all your reasons - we'll have to get our thinking caps on!
Take care
Clive and gang

Dandy Duke said...

We love to be on the go all the time too, Miss Sephie!
Congratulations on your award!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lucia said...

Ciao miei cari Kerries!

I'm all a-blush over being honored with your award! Mille grazie to Ms. Bailey Blue, the beautiful Ms. Sephie and of course, my sweet blue prince, Busterigo. Mwahhh!!!

Tanti baci!

Anonymous said...

Oh thank you very much Buster and co, but we haven't moved to Sweden! We are still living in Finland and will always live! Tell you the truth, Jane doesn't even speak swedish, she can only say jaa..... So we really better stay here in our homeland, beautiful Finland!



Faya said...

Ohhhhh thank you so much mes amis ! Je suis très honorée !
Bisous, Faya