HelloOOO to all my blog buddies. Thank you so much for all your well wishes and doggie ZEN vibes sent to me....they are all so very much appreciated!
I am feeling kinda punky today, me and froggy have been sleeeeeepingZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz lots, because I am not feeling 100%... maybe 56% some of the day and 65% the rest of the day.
I finally decided to eat the white "white cheesey meatballs" around 4:30 yesterday....( the momm says they are made of no fat cottage cheese and rice ughghh..) It's looking like my meal really is going to be "white cheesey meatballs" for a while. Holding out for the "good stuff" is not smart so I decided to eat them.
I have to admit it does perk me up a bit...and then I snooze some more. But I do get to read all of your well wishes and do appreciate all of them and all of you so very much.
Thank you all!
I am hoping to be back in motion soon, keeping me on a lead is no fun, I need to run FREE! Because my little tummy was gooochy I was grazing on the BIG MONSTER out back (referring to another post a long time ago....)commonly known as the stand of bamboo -- this is what the ice did to it... brought it right down to my level.
This is a NO NO NO <-----that's from my humomm. Bamboo leaves are rather sharp, but hey, that's all that was out there in the ice and snow that was green and it made a nice fort and Ms. Persephone and I were whurling around in it -- boy did I pay for all that fun. Don't ever eat the bamboo friends...it's sharp and nasty, even though it was tasty.
Heavy sigh... tired now g'night.
Ms. Blue
Ms. Bailey,
We're sending you get well woofs -- and hope you will control your desire to eat things that are not good for you. We terriers, despite our tough reputations, have fragile tummies and need to be smart about what we eat. We're smart about other things, right???
Lots of wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Most glorious terrier gal... I'm thinking of ya every day, hoping that you're feeling at least a bit better.
Much love & more of those BIG AIRE KISSES...
It is so good to see you Mrs Bailey ! Vous savez, Dyos et moi nous mangeons du cottage TOUS les jours et c'est super bon....
Bisous guérisseurs !
Your cheese meatballs don't sound too bad to us, Bailey! Our paws are crossed that you keep getting stronger and better!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Bailey Girl!
You sweet Ebony Princess, YOU! Good to see you at home and starting to eat the white cheesey balls. Hope you're back to yourself in no time so you can run like the wind!
Goober love & more healing smooches,
Oh ! Madame Bailey, ouf,yeeeesss, Véronique m'a dit,régime, tu n'es pas contente, beurk, beurk. Bisous.
We sure hope you are feeling much better! MY kitty sister was in the hospital a year ago with her pancreas issues too. She was there for an entire week before she was well enough to come home. Take care of yourself.
Hi Baily
I'm glad your feeling a bit better. I love cottage cheese, mommy hides my medicine in it.
Take care.
Love Ruby
hi Ms. Bailey Blue, we're glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better. that's a bummer that you have to eat those ugly sounding cheesy things. that also makes us sad that your bamboo got all crushed by the snow and ice. we hope it recovers. take good care of your tummy and don't eat the bamboo, okay? we want you to be 100%!
Bailey, we're glad to know you're feeling so much better! Happy Valentine's Day!
Stuffed from eating a BIG feast,
Solid Gold Dancer
Miss Bailey, we hope you are feeling LOTS better by now! We're still keeping our paws crossed!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Miss Bailey, we hope you are feeling LOTS better by now! We're still keeping our paws crossed!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
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