Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Horrifying Premonition--by Buster

Dear friends:

I just had a most disturbing dream.

A creature more fierce, more vile than the legendary Killer Rabbit of the Holy Grail haunts my sleep. It will come soon. I know it. Unspeakable horror!

If we Kerry Blues were gifted with the ability to relate in pictures what its merciless countenance looks like...well, luckily, we cannot...

But the giant, Abominable Snow Kerry will come soon; I know it!

And when it does, Mom will relate the ugly tale...

Be very afraid,



Noah the Airedale said...


Noah x

Duke said...

That's enough to scare you into being good until Christmas! YIKES!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

can you email me:, i have some question wanna ask you.thanks