And you know what happens when snow comes to the Kerry Blue Theme Park?
Girls go wild!!!!
Here's "Nigel," AKA Buster, the most critical of our judges. He was struck speechless.
Now here's our second oeuvre! A bit more "athletic," with a delicate duet at the end!
Now here's our second oeuvre! A bit more "athletic," with a delicate duet at the end!
Kinda makes you want to cry, doesn't it?
"Nigel" was quite beside himself at this point. He destroyed a tennis ball and peed in the snow.
Our final number left the judges so vexed that they left the audition area.
I'm so proud!
Bob Fosse, EAT YOUR HEART OUT! I think folks will look back and think...Busby Berkeley...Fred Astaire...Margot Fonteyn...Vaslav Nijinski...Persephone and Bailey !
"Nigel" was so affected that he performed a pirouette and ran straight for his favorite bush!
And that's the way things are, Friday, February 22, 2008, in the hamlet of Cheshire-Upon-Quinnipiac, Crown Colony of Connecticut, somewhere north of the Antipodes.
You snowdance beautifully! OMG, look at the snowballdingleberries all over your pretty black coats! How long does it take you to thaw out?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We'll be dry by April!
P, B, & B
10 out of 10 from the Aussie judges!!!!!! perfect foot movements and you give chase so beautifully, well done.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
PERFECT 10!!!!
The judge from GooberStan gives you a 9.99999999. He was hoping for more snowballdingleberries on the dancer's snouts!
On a personal note, the judge from GooberStan is well aware that he would dance with either Bailey or Sephie anytime, anywhere! He too is working on perfecting the circular sweeping dance.
Goober love & smooches,
I too feel i just have to say snowballdingleberries - har har!
Great fancy footwork. I went to the lumbering oaf school of dance!
Toodle pip
Harry x
You seems to be having lots of fun in the snow. I hope we have snow here too. **envy**
.... and 10 points from Switzerland..from Balet Béjart...
Kisses, Faya
black dogs look great on white snow...don't u think so?
We're giving you a 12...somehow, we just don't think a 10 is good enough! Those snowballdingleberries are pawsome! We sure hope you dry out way before April!
Poppy & Penny (the southern Aire-girls who get no snow to speak of...or even NOT to speak of!)
WOW, watching you play in the snow was so much fun. If I was there I'd be wathcing you from inside tucked in a blankie, but I'd be cheering you on. hee hee
Frenchie Snorts
sorry about all those comments, see what happens when mommy tries to help me.
10 points from Germany! Your snow is adorable, somehow Mr Winter forgot Berlin this year... it's almost spring over here...
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