Friday, August 17, 2007

Report from the Home Front: Buster's Still on Vacation, but Persephone & Bailey Rule the House!

Okay--He's coming back in a couple days! We kinda miss him, but he'll be a first-class pain-in-the-you-know-what when he gets back! His Nibs is lounging beside his Mommy, waiting for the return of the loon, who departed the Pond on Wednesday. Bailey and I (Persephone, the Dark Goddess) are in charge of things in the meantime. It's a full-time job just supervising the humans around this place!

Here's Mr. Loon. I'll bet he wasn't very impressed with Buster.

Bozo keeps sending us photos, just so we can see how much fun he's having! Maybe he'll fall overboard. But he assures everyone that he's learned to swim like a Labrador. Yuck.

The Human Mom has promised to post a lot of pix and a video of Buster playing Titanic when they get back.

We'll just have to see...BUSTER? SWIM?

So this is Persephone, the Guardian of Buster's Ego, signing off for now.

Upcoming posts should include "Buster's Pondside Friends," "The Loon Chronicles," "Bozo Conquers the Briney Deep," and "Buster Should Pay More Attention to Persephone!"


Molly the Airedale said...

Love that first picture! What a relaxing view! We can't wait to see videos and more pictures!

Love ya lots,

Putter said...

Hi Guys!

Isn't Buster getting an unfair proportion of vacation this year???? I need to know, K? Great first shot of him overlooking the lake though ... I have to say that is one awesomest lake!!!! :))))

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Ume said...

i can't wait for the Titanic video!