Hi, folks! Buster, the Gentleman-Adventurer, at your service today with a tale of my most recent exploration of far-away lands and exotic cultures!

In truth, we traveled about a mile. But that's a lot in dog-miles!
The PT Cruiser headed south, and after being tossed about by numerous cyclones, arrived in Terra Incognita--my favorite place! -- Quinnipiac River Gorge !

The habitat is to my liking. There are ducks and geese and deer and trout. Lots of things to chase and bark at!
I commenced my exploration in the usual, most sensible way--by following my shadow.
The trees here are very strange--growing out of the basalt, their roots exposed by the erosion of the ancient riverbed.

Dutifully, I examined a trunk...
Eventually, I came upon a flock of novices from an ancient holy order and flirted with them. They complimented me on my dark, furry cassock and my Irish demeanor. Bidding them farewell, I continued on....

The Quinnipiac River was burbling along, carrying with it the seven billion metric tons of snow that vengeful Celtic gods had cast down on New England.
There was a hint of spring in the moss surrounding, well, the spring in the rocks.
At length, I bade farewell to my river. I'll bet it looked just like this many millions of years ago! That's a consoling thought.
Next stop: dinner!
Okay, I confess! When it comes to exploring, I'm basically a wimp. I love the excitement of new things, but then I get hungry...and I start to miss Bailey and Gracie...and most of all, I miss my mom.
Don't tell anyone--please!
Your faithful correspondent,