Friday, January 2, 2009

Recently Playing: "White Christmas!"

Wellll ok. I know it's been sung before. I'mmmmmmm dreeeeeea-ming of a whiiiiiiite Chriiisssssst-massss------------
Guess what folks.
I've been waiting for the snows to come and THEY DID!
As we speak, there is snow on the ground. Now I know I've been promising the story of the know
the one from the previous post.
It's coming It's coming.....just like this white Christmas did
so patience, patience everyone read on ---------------------->

I did want to share my WHITE experience in the aftermath of the SCARY experience.
Not to be confused with a previous-scary-experience-from-the-summer.
Which in it's self was also an experience that was memorable....or scary which was it???
ahhhhh well, I forget --
my mind wanders, just a bit.
I'm looking for my mind... I mean my Wilson -- it was lost in the
great WHITE void.

Darn little ball.... lost in spaaaaaaace...
Where are you WILSON????
This white stuff is murder on the eyeballs -- it all looks alike... unfortunately it takes the Wilson smell and evaporates it.
Phew, the white stuff is powerful stuff!

An aside: For all the girls out there... please note that I, theBUSTER, was also dressed to search for my Wilson -- this was a "search and rescue" kinda thing. I had my black tie and white collar on and, as tail!

Wilson eludes me... hide and seek of Wilsons is no fun when you have snow blindness.

Wilson!!!!!!WHERE ARE YOU?

I guess it's time to bring in the G.F. (gurlie forces).
Gurlz --- oh gurlz --- help me find Wilson puleeeeez.

OH OH---------> here they come!
They mean business, notice the tag team mentality while they hash out a plan.... They are on it!

Unfortunately the gurlz still couldn't find the Wilson.
Poor Wilson, out in the cold snow.

We all asked Santa if he had any ideas?
Like, " Where do Wilsons hide when the snows come?
Are they scared of the snow?"

The Santa said we needed to go to bed and sleep because the night before Christmas is a magical time.
Well, o.k. Sephie was on it, she went right to sleep, no questions asked.
All that snow plowing they did with their noses did tend to tire them out (ahem...Persephone said she is supposed to be sleeping, it's winter ya know).

The reindeer that lives out front of our house was ready to snooze also.
He/she had been standing, ready to fly, for
quite a few days so sleep would be a "good thing".

So as they say in the story..... "I was ready to settle down for a long winter's nap too----------------------------->

Heavy sigh!!
So the next morning,
we found our momm, Ms. Blue,
snoozing in the wrapping paper!!!
she was realllllly tired out...
She must have searched for Wilson
in every nook and cranny in the house.
Trust me, there are many many
nooks and crannies here...

When Ms. Blue woke up she told us about
searching all night for my Wilsons...

she wanted me to have a special Christmas.

As the story goes----------------------------->

She dug and dug... and found ball #1....... of course she kept SEARCHING!


She said she found more! Can you believe it... she found 3 in the snow!!!


She found 4 in the snow..... This is getting exciting!!! Ms. Blue, our momm, is the bestest ever Wilson locater in the world. She made sure the Wilsons lost in the snow would have a nice warm place for the holidays...

The Wilsons got all wiped down and warmed up and they are all living right here... with me, theBUSTER.... safe and sound ------------------------->
the end

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and also.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

From all of us,
Ms. Persephone, Ms.Blue and ME!!! theBUSTER & all the Wilsons.


Faya said...

J'aime les histoires qui finissent bien. Je suis sentimentale ! C'est mieux qu'un conte de Noël.
Bisous et bonne année à tous,
Faya, Dyos & Véronique

Stanley said...

You are KILLING ME, Buster! Glad your mama found your Wilsons, though. I have noone to dig for me if I lose anything in the yard. Must be nice to be a mama's boy.

Goob smooches to your mama for find the Wilsons and for being so fetching in the wrapping paper (did she defrock a package?)!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to our buds!

Goober love,

Noah the Airedale said...

Buster mate, how good is your mum. She saved the Wilsons from freezing to death.
Hey I'm sorry I just missed you in the chatroom the other day. I was looking forward to chatting with you. Oh well, maybe next time.
Happy New Year pals and all the best to you and your pinkies for 2009.


Amber-Mae said...

Woohoo! Must be soooper doooper excitering for you doggies! Hey, I think if you stay long enough in the snow, soon you both will turn into Kerry White Terriers! Hehe! No offense. Just joking. Haha!!! Ooo, I'd love to join ya for a ball game in the snow. Woot!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

Be careful Kerry Blues, there are fearless ferrets hunting... waiting... Waiting for you to make even the slightest wrong move...

We are watching you and planning our attack, it may be today, it may be tomorrow, it very well may be today AND tomorrow... And possibly Monday, but not Tuesday, we have our pedicures... But regardless, we're on to you and your blue doggy nonsense.

Fear us for we are coming, the end is near.

- Ferret Ninjas, Inc.

Dandy Duke said...

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Ms. Blue saves the day! We hope she got LOTS of treats - at least one treat per Wilson!
Happy New Year, guys!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kelli said...

So glad that Ms. Blue found your wilsons in the snow! You must have been soo worried about them! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year's Eve!

Anonymous said...

Very good!

Blackjack Tournaments said...

Very valuable phrase