Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Sabbatical

Hi, folks! Buster, the Gentleman-Adventurer, at your service today with a tale of my most recent exploration of far-away lands and exotic cultures!

In truth, we traveled about a mile. But that's a lot in dog-miles!

The PT Cruiser headed south, and after being tossed about by numerous cyclones, arrived in Terra Incognita--my favorite place! -- Quinnipiac River Gorge !

The habitat is to my liking. There are ducks and geese and deer and trout. Lots of things to chase and bark at!

I commenced my exploration in the usual, most sensible way--by following my shadow.

The trees here are very strange--growing out of the basalt, their roots exposed by the erosion of the ancient riverbed.

Dutifully, I examined a trunk...

Eventually, I came upon a flock of novices from an ancient holy order and flirted with them. They complimented me on my dark, furry cassock and my Irish demeanor. Bidding them farewell, I continued on....

The Quinnipiac River was burbling along, carrying with it the seven billion metric tons of snow that vengeful Celtic gods had cast down on New England.

There was a hint of spring in the moss surrounding, well, the spring in the rocks.

At length, I bade farewell to my river. I'll bet it looked just like this many millions of years ago! That's a consoling thought.

Next stop: dinner!

Okay, I confess! When it comes to exploring, I'm basically a wimp. I love the excitement of new things, but then I get hungry...and I start to miss Bailey and Gracie...and most of all, I miss my mom.

Don't tell anyone--please!

Your faithful correspondent,



Dandy Duke said...

What a fun hike you had, Buster! We can't wait to head to Sleeping Giant! The same kind of music that you listen to plays in our kitchen all the time!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

Explowing is all well and good, and you went to a pawsome place, but thewe is no place like home wif those you love
(I'll nevew tell)
smoochie kisses to you and Bailey and Gwacie too

Sue said...

We all like walks and adventures, but there's no place like home, especially at dinner time.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties