Friday, June 11, 2010

My Critters: a continuing saga--by theBUSTER

For My Luciahhhhhh......

I've gathered all MY buddies around
to show my friend Luciahhhh..
in case she doesn't have these things where she is!

Here is my Snow Goose <-- he flew up
to a BAY in Canada after the photo shoot.

These are a few of the little yellow finches
that come to visit us everyday -- all day and eat...and eat....
and eat some more..
they are the piggeez of the finch

Oh, and mr. ya see him...swimming
along? He's so long he's in segments..silly

Check out the little goosey goslings.. they're
trying to copy their mom.. cute little puffs.

O.K. I have this picture up over my bed --
so I can count
bunnies as I go to sleep...
mmmmmgood little bunnies.
one little • two little • three? where's three?
I do like bunnies.

must catch the squirrel...I've got
to learn to climb trees.. I need sharper claws.

I like this guy who is two...he's BLUE
so he and his reflection can stay on the lake.

OK who's bright idea was it to import these little buggerz??
Chipmunks make me crazy....but they make Ms.Blue
even crazier.. she waits for this opportunity. She
stalks the chippymunk and

catches it..
mmmmmma chipmunk sandwich.

Another visitor to our bird restaurant is this
he brings all his little buddies to -- they are
a hungry lot.

oOPs catch them if you can.. these are my little
Merganzer Chicks...
kind of like a rock group..
flitting here and there...
they are allllll over the place.
Check them out!

So Luciahhhhhh ,
I hope you like all my little

I found #3 bunny!

He is my (very best) wabbit !


and Ms.Blue & Ms. Persephone


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

This is just a Wildlife Packed Post. I loved all the pics EXCEPT the squirrel and chipmunk. I can't even like PICTURES of those awful guys.
You have and OTTER????? I have never ever seen one of those guys. I did see a beffer once though.
Loved this post soooo much that I had to go back and look at ALMOST all of it a second time. hehehe

Duke said...

Mom loves the Goldfinches. She says they make the sweetest sound in the whole wide world!
We used to see a river otter on our pond but we haven't in a long while. I guess he found another spot he likes better!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sue said...

You have a very nice birdie snack bar. We have one, too, but the stupid squirrels empty the feeders as fast as they can. I guess Bailey will have to teach them another lesson about who's property this is.

Lucia said...

Ciao, mio principe azzurro!

Santa vacca! What a splendid menagerie of be-furred, be-fluffed and be-feathered amici! Well, except for the squirrel and chipmunk, which, being the natural enemies of any terrier worth his or her salt, could hardly be considered amici. Cursed creatures!! A pox on both of their nests!!

Are you now happily pond-side at your summer home, dolce Busterigo????

Tanti baci e abbracci!