Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Pond: The Official Tour, by Buster

Hey, blogsters! Your host, Buster the Supreme Emperor of The Pond and All Her Majesty's Possessions in the New World, bringing you the Official (approved by Her Highness, Persephone the Dark Goddess of the Unnamed Regions) Tour of my domain!

Quite happily, those annoyingly loquacious fellow-travelers (the very same Persephone of the Wine-Dark Seas of the Underworld and her Demeter-Wannabe mother, Bailey) have been temporarily cast out of Eden, condemned to wander the forsaken streets of Connecticut with their lackey male human for Eternity (or a week, maybe) while I, the virtuous, anointed hunk of puerile canine energy can enjoy the Pond alone with my human Mom! Hah!

Oh, the tour...

First, ladies and gentlemen, we shall begin with a 360-degree panoramic view, as seen by Buster the Mariner--from the Geographic Center (!) of my watery empire:

So it ain't the Pacific! But it has enough room for its own Pond-Monster, which of course, is ME ! The terminus of this panorama, of course, is Castle Buster, my summer palace.

Here's my personal dock, with my personal Royal Yacht, propelled by the very same energy-source that powered the triremes at the Battle of Salamis!

At high-noon, the place is hopping with frenetic activity. Observe the breathtaking sense of urgency!

And what lies beneath? Yes, I can summon monsters from the briny deep! Unspeakable things, n'ere seen by human eyes...

As night falls, gales and boreal cyclones whip the water into such a frenzy that only an experienced mariner such as I would dare to cross this body of water.

And here is my evening perch, on the porch, tongue-couchant, awaiting the obeisant attentions of She-Who-Also-Commands.

As you might imagine, my life is difficult and challenging!

More to come in my next dispatch...

Your most obedient correspondent,

Buster, Admiral of the Ocean Sea of New Hampshire


TwoSpecialWires said...

Based on those little swimmie things, we're betting you can hear lots of frogs at night!

Great lake. Miss Fergi would love to swim in it!

Jake (and Fergs)

Dandy Duke said...

You sure have a beautiful summer spot to enjoy, Buster!
We're sure the wildlife keeps you very busy!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Clive said...

Buster, we would so love to be there with you! What a great lake and all those tadpoles!! So many frogs - the little man was getting so excited looking at them all!

Enjoy yourself,

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

wow a super place for the summer,lucky lucky lucky you.Theres going to be a loads of frogs everywhere.

Ludo the cool dude.

Lucia said...

Ciao, il mio dolce ragazzo!

Castello Busterigo and its watery kingdom are magnifico, and you provided an eccellente tour of the grounds. It appears there is plentiful wildlife there for your personal amusement, although I am sure you rule your minions with fairness and justice. Awww, principe azzurro,you are truly a noble being!

Speaking of wildlife, I, Lucia, found a turtle in the far corner of la mia zia's yard (which, yes indeed, I really "dig"!!) early this morning, a creature I have never before encountered. It was a thrilling discovery!!!!!

Tanti baci!

Sue said...

What a beautiful lake you have. We went swimming Wednesday and it was so much fun. Wish you could join us.

Princess Patches said...

We wish we could join you in your paradise, Buster! We just have one slight problem with your post...we find it hard to believe that your life is either difficult OR challenging! It looks, to us, like you have it MADE, big boy!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Asta said...

Youw Admiwalship(is that the cowwect way to addwess you?) Bustewigo,
What a gweat body of watew you wule ovew. I know it's only because of youw wise wulewship and Vigilance that total chaos doesn't ewupt thewe. Thank you fow saving that vewy impawtant pawt of Can Eck Ti cut fow fuww and hoomankind
smoochie kisses
a loyal subject

Asta said...

shoot, I fowgot to mention, that I tagged you
mowe smoochies