Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Notes from BusterLand: The Fine Art of Nonsequitur

Hey, Blog-buddies--it's theBuster back at the keyboard. Ms. Persephone has given me a challenge.

The Dark Goddess of the Nether Regions has asked me to fashion a narrative out of some never-before-seen images, two of which were taken today and two of which were taken sometime prior to that.

So my non-linear intellect is going to work on this. Let's see what happens...

These feet + two more have walked over the river and through the woods to Gram's house many times...
I dream of the lake many nights as I snooze..sort of feels like I'm rocking in a boat -- on the lake ... it's calling me.....
as in "when I'm calling YOUuuuuoooouuuuoooooooo..........
Just for the record my Gram has the best lake and I am sooooo ready to go swimming...especially after all this 94+ degree weather here...I'm thinking I need to go up to the lake to at least check it out! Make sure it's still there! Make sure it's still rippling! Just to make sure.


Here I am just sailing over the ripples of life... I mean sailing on Gram's pond and I get to think about lots of stuff...
Like, where do rocks come from? How come glaciers make little lakes like this and leave rocks on the bottom? how come there isn't sand down there instead of rocks? and gee what about clouds? cloudy clouds -- now where do they come from? the humomm said they were water..but I'm sitting in a boat on the water not in the sky in water!
Man, all these really deep watery... I mean really deep thoughts, just keep flying over and smacking me in my bearded, loveable mooosh...notice the pink tongue?
When I'm thinking it kinds peeks out from the big toothy maw.

I think <-----yeh, I really do use my brain. Hey, check this out.. you can see all the rocks at the bottom.. and then there are rocks floating------------> wHOOOooooo0000 It's "Rock Man"...the little known harbinger of springtime (don't tell Persephone I saw him <----she'll think I've lost it completely...) How did they get "Rock Man" to float anyway? I thought rocks were heavier then water...but then again it probably depends on how much water to how many rocks.... uh..... To get back to the "Rock Man"... it appears he fell off his stool while drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper...uh -- what's wrong with this picture...exactly where did the newspaper machine come from? Hmmmmmmm....pondering.......more pondering.......ok...I guess it came from the side of the street? Sounds about right...to continue to address the
"Rock Man" would probably not help my situation would it?

Now check out this nasty little kitty fish. UHhuh...that's what I said, a kitty cat-fish in the water...well the toxic green fluid that could possibly be water... It certainly isn't my Gram's little lake which is nice and clear and cool and lovely...
this stuff is just really noxious-toxic looking...
Have you ever seen a fish with whiskers? Well folks here it is... a whiskered fish in noxious green water...
well Persephone... random enough??
theBUSTER <---------your big (I'm older by an hour and a half) brother....


Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey that fish looks like something out of the Simpsons...it just needs a third eye.
Your Gram's lake is beautiful. You guys are so lucky to be able to go there.


Noah the Airedale said...

Ps. we've noticed (over the time that we've been blogging) your knowledge on the land of Oz is right up there with ours...probably better hehe. Are your pinkies Aussie or just well read?


TwoSpecialWires said...

Whoa! Those are some impressive looking feet... and lots more stuff we want to look VERY carefully at! Saw you visited out blog, so we dropped on over. We've added you to our buddies' list so we can find you easy and come on back! Hope that's okay!

jake and Fergi.... signing off for the night :)

Asta said...

Youw thoughts awe soo deep that I have a little twouble keeping up, but I loved youw imagewy and fweewheeling thoughts.
a cat fish???did the cat swollow the fish ow the othew way awound..vewy puzzling.
See you in Salzbuwg m sweet fwiend
smoochie kisses

Dandy Duke said...

That kitty fish looks kind of evil and vicious to us!
We love the tootsie picture!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Nice footies! Very neat too. Ooo, that fish looks like dinnah! I eat fish everyday. This one might taste great.

Solid Gold Dancer

Sue said...

Rambling thoughts on a hot lazy day. Hope you get a chance to swim in that nice little lake.

Faya said...

Aujourd'hui je crois qu'il me faut un dictionnaire....
bisous, Faya

TwoSpecialWires said...

We came back, and we were doin' good until we saw the kittyfish in the water that matches your background. It made Fergi sick to her stomach. ICK!

We'll come back, though. Your cool lookin' paws (they're AWESOME!) and ripply lake water make anyone want to return. :)

:) Jake and sorta green Fergi :)

Lucia said...

Ciao belli Kerries!

Linear thinking is for sissies, Busterigo. I, Lucia, prefer an adventurous mind and a free spirit! Mwah!

Pack extra Wilsons in your carry-on bag for the flight to Salzburg. That way, we can play catch in the aisle while the others nap or watch the movie! (And si, il mio dolce Principe, tuo Pamina would adore a side trip to see The Magic Flute...!)

Tanti baci to you, and partite e partite di abbracci to Ms. Sephie and the lovely Ms. Bailey Blue! I can’t wait to see all of you on Friday!


PeeEss: Do you sail on your Nonna’s lago?