Sunday, February 15, 2009

Notes from Rehab

Dear blog friends:

Your faithful correspondent, Persephone at the keyboard again with a couple of observations regarding Bailey's recovery...

Observation Number One: She detests her new diet of no-fat cottage cheese and rice. Her Ladyship has promised to find revenge and inflict limitless suffering upon the veterinarian who prescribed this diet.

Observation Number Two: Her cherished friend "Beaver" has been renamed "Protein."

Observation Number Three: Our diva is no longer couch-bound! She takes frequent sabbaticals to hunt wild game.

Observation Number Four: Her energy level, measured in joules per tail rotation, has increased significantly since yesterday.

Observation Number Five: Buster fails to comprehend anything in depth, but he's glad to get his mom back!

Our primate mom will post more details shortly. Hope all our friends had a great weekend!

Your friend,



Bogart H. Devil said...

Aw Mz. Bailey...

Tell your mama that beef heart is the perfect food for those of us special pups with pancreatitis - yes, it can be "interesting" for them to prepare for you, but they WANT for you to be happy, right? Most supermarkets have it, but many times you have to ask the butcher.

I get it in my stew (for the beef heart version, it's beef heart, sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots, and rice) or dehydrated (freeze it so it's easy to slice thinly, then bake it in the oven on very, very low heat for a few hours).

Thinking of you pretty girl!


Faya said...

Oh comme je suis contente ! Quelle merveilleuse nouvelle. Elle cache les jouets de nouveau ?
Bisous mes amis, Faya

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh my goodness please forgive us we didn't realise Ms Bailey was so ill. We must have missed that post....that'd be right...miss something really important! Isn't that always the way.
Sounds like she is on the improve. How scary for you all.
Please pass on our belated aire-zen and woofs to Ms Bailey.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxxx

Stanley said...

SWeet Sephie!

Thanks for the update. We are glad to hear Ms. Blue is friskier than ever and up and hunting again. We hope she shelves the plan to stalk the veterinarian.

Also, thanks for the video footage. Always love video footage of bootiful pupgirls!

Please tell Buster his juicy schnoz is such a staple to me & my girl in this life that we feel more grounded whenever we see it!

Goober love & smooches,

Dandy Duke said...

You're looking so much more chipper, Bailey! We are so very happy for you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

the many Bs said...

this makes us very happy to hear that Ms. Bailey is feeling so much better now. we just don't understand why she doesn't like that cheese & rice though. we would be chowing down on that stuff.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs Blue, you look so much better already! I'm so happy for you! I hope your humom or hudad got my Jane's e-mail.

Los of kerrykisses and kerryhugs to you and rest of you guys!


Amber-Mae said...

Bailey, you look sooo much more brighter & happier today!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer