Thursday, February 26, 2009

Honest Scrap: Telling the Whole Sorry Verito

from our new piccolo aireegurl friend, Lucia!!!

Dolce Ms. Lucia <----- to make sure we are following the rules.....yes Lucia is real and yes she is soooo sweet! but she has smacked us up the side of our very Irish blue heads with this esteemed "Honest Scrap" award today, which means we have to tell ten truthful things about ourselves... We all have such a vivid inner-lives that this may be harder then we think... I mean we have to tell the truth! Our whole blog, unfortunately, is based on truth (some is stretched just a little) so these lists may seem a bit redundant to those of you that have followed it from the beginning. But hey, we will make an attempt at
sucking it up and bragging allllllll about US! the three Blue Musketeers.

Here are the official Honest Scrap rules:

"When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Scrap" weblog. Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!"

1. I am the very best catcher of the"Wilson" that I know.
2. I love all of my "Wilsons" equally.
3. I lied...I love my yellow Wilsons and my pinkie Wilsons and well, I also love my orange and green (Irish) Wilson.
4. I bark when the gurls bark because I just wanna make noise -- they always have something to say about nothing really -- silly gurleez, I will protect them so they don't need to be alerting the media to every pawserby.
5. I only need one major to be a champion and my humomm hasn't taken me to a show yet this year...something about majors....I am not in the army, exactly what is that about?
6. I like to herd sheep it's lots of fun and I plan on doing so in the spring -- they are so strange.
7. When it's time to go to bed I grab my "blankie" for security and sort of chew on it.
8. When it's bath-time and the humomm tries to get me into the bath ... I lay down on my back with my feet in the air so she can't make me walk-- I'm not quite sure it's time for a bath yet.
9. I 'm actually a pushover -- I act all prickly but I'm really just a love sponge and will sit in my humomm's lap when she's trying to watch a movie....she sez I make a real good what the heck does that mean?
10. Oh... number ten.....I can't forget to tell everyone I reallllllly like to play Buster Ball with wilson...did I mention I love my tennis balls?
Ms. Bailey Blue:
1. Shhhh -- I will be 9 years old in May.
2. Herding is one of my favorite things to do....I may be a little toot but the "bah nu ram" works for me...they don't argue even the biggest one moves after she gets the message.
3. Can't forget Strong dog/Draw Dog for tall terriers... I had lots of fun going down in the dirt and mud tunnel and pulling out the "badger" unfortunately I came out of the hole looking like a mud puppy <------ eeeeeU said the humomm... she had to ride for 3 hours home in the car w/ smelly old me! heee heee -- i went from the car to the tub very quickly.
4. Standing on top of the A-Frame is lots of fun -- I won't let any of the big dogs come up...I own it when I'm up there-- I really like agility...
5. When I first did the teeter it scared me but now I love to run up and make it go down with a bang.
6. When my two sillies come out to play -- I wait right at the door like a "troll" and jump at them to scare the tar out of them...of course I'm a little toot so I have to jump up pretty high to nab Buster's fall and pull it.
7. Oh I can't forget to tell everyone, I realllllly love to go up to the lake and swim, it's the most fun. I learned how to jump off the dock one summer and retrieve the water frisbee and my water wubba.
8. True confessions everyone -- at feeding time "at the zoo" I like to incite a riot...and bark and get the others going so it's near impossible to put us in our separate spaces to eat...makes the humans a little crazy.
9. I just love to be groomed and have my curls combed out... it makes me "feel good good"... 10. The first snow (actually anytime it snows...) I do my famous butt-tucking "fly by" around the yard , up on the deck, up the stairs a crazee much fun.
Ms. Persephone
1. I have more in common with the "Dark Empress of Hades" then less, and my humomm sez I live up to my name <--------what exactly does she mean by that?
2. When the humomm is sleeping I take books into my bed from the shelves to read so I can work on my dissertation <----- p.h.d . = pure HOT dog.... I have dreams of grandeur, ya know.
3. I'm a couch potato....I love to lounge on my pretty blankies.....
4. I don't like it when Buster steals my blankies and chews on him.. yuck disgusting!
5. Me Me Me... it's all about ME! phew I feel better now that I got that off my chest.
6. The reality is I'm insufferably cute and the humans are moltan jelly in my paws.
7. I strive to be a bigger bitch then my mom, Ms. Blue but she just won't let me.
8. I have a big golden friend, Zackey, that I like to take walks with...he's real cute but just doesn't understand my needs.
9. My favorite composer is Antonio Vivaldi....I just love to listen to "Il prete rosso le quattro stagione".... ahhhhhhhhh bliss
10. "I" am also a follower of Salvidor my own art I seek to transform everyday objects into Surealist apparitions which bear only an incendental resemblance to their original form -- consequently I've been given the sobriquette, "Saw Tooth Sephie".

I could go on but ms. Lucia said the rules state only 10..... heavy sigh.
The other 2 Bluez said it was up to me to choose the lucky "7", so I choose the following blogs for their uniqueness and wonderfulness, extraordinaryness etc... I choose: Ms. Jade (our kerry buddy), Ms. Faya, and the cute Dughallmor Beagles, and Skye the sled dog, Gus the wired boy, and, Penny & Poppy, & Amber Mae !

ba da ba da <------- that's all folks, Ms.Persephone, theBUSTER & Ms.Blue too.


Faya said...

Ha aaaaa très très intéressant. J'ai beaucoup en commun avec les Kerry Blue Terriers....mais je ne dis pas lequel !
Bisous, Faya
Et merci pour l'award !

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that we kerries are made in heaven!!! I really can't understand people that don't love us... Thanks a lot this "award", I'd better go and write my list.....
Have a nice weekend my friends!

Lots of kerrykisses


Amber-Mae said...

Thanks for sharing those information about you guys with us all! Thanks for passing that award to me too!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lucia said...

Ciao Kerry Azzurro amice!


To theBUSTER, now ... are you saying you like your famiglia di Wilsons, or ... what? Mama mia, it's such a challenge when doggies won't say straight out what they feel.(!) Mia ragazza is laughing herself silly over the description of your bath-deflection stance, BTW.

Ms. Bailey Blue, I would give my pink Kong to see you play troll and scare the 'two sillies.' And as for you being nine this spring -- no way! With your bellissima fall and lovely curls, YOU, mia cara, don't look a day over three!

And Ms. Persephone ... I think you and I may have something in common beyond our terrier-ness: you are the Dark Empress of Hades, and mia ragazza claims it's no coincidence that the first four letters of my name are the same as the first four of Lucifer's...

You three did a splendido job, and have definitely earned your Honest Scrap award!

Tanti baci!

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Congratulations on your award...Fun lists. :-)

Holly & Zac...XX

PS...we love tennis balls as well..hehe

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Hey Blueys! We love your Honest Scrap....v.v.funny..we didn't realise Sephie was so cultured :D Rosie likes to skin tennis balls...OMD! She murders them in their hundreds, as does her new BF Petey! Thanks again for the tag...we'll definitely play the next one you get if you want to tag us again :o)
Slobbers xx

Princess Patches said...

That is quite a list! We feel like we know all of you sooooo much better now! Thank you for passing this award on to us. We will get busy on our lists!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

the many Bs said...

wow. that's a lot of stuff. it almost makes our curly heads spin to read all of that about all of you. what an interesting bunch you are. we especially like that bath time avoidance trick of lying on your back. we're definitely going to give that one a try.


Dandy Duke said...

What great lists all of you have! Sephie, you and our mom would get along great together! She loves Vivaldi too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stanley said...

Aw, my Kerry Blue buds!

I bet your hummom now has carpal tunnel from typing all your lists! That was one ambitious undertaking, but I'm glad she helped all 3 of you out. Now I feel like I have the skinny on you guys!

Personally, I think that Stella would probably get along best with the Buster (she's actually an even bigger goob than I) and I would get along best with Sephie & Ms. Bailey Blue. I'd like to see Ms. Bailey run her agility course, and I'd be more than willing to have a snuggle or a nap on one of Sephie's pretty blankies.

So, when ARE you going to officially become a champ, Buster? You're already a champ in my book.

Goober love & smooches,