Thursday, May 1, 2008

Random Springtime Explorations

Hi--Sephie at the keyboard tonight, reporting on some of the curious sights and happenings in my world...

Does anyone else like magnolias? They're falling off the trees in great, gushing quantities, making thick beds of flower-petals. I like that.

I spend lots of time exploring my garden, looking for unsuspecting rodents and watching things grow!

The ferns are forming perfect fiddle-heads right now, and I'd chew them to bits if the humans would let me.

Sometimes we go exploring. We found this tin-man in the woods by a brook. Perhaps some mad sculptor built him...or maybe the Wicked Witch of the West lives nearby!

It was a cold winter in Connecticut, and Nature's rules are stern. Here, the score was Bambi - 0, Coyote - 1.

Not that I don't think deer are kind of cute--but Wiley Coyote is a close relative.

Ah...Something to ponder! Darn, these little guys have tunneled all through the yard, and before I can reach one, he disappears into a hole!

Chasing Alvin does tire one out.

Maybe one or two more sniffs of the flowers...

And it's bedtime.




Faya said...

Quelle magnifique visite. Tu as de la chance de voire des écureuils. Ici il n'y en a pas beaucoup. Aimerais-tu venir jardiner avec moi ? Aujourd'hui au programme : planter la lavande, les rosiers, le jasmin et les giroflé il fait beau. Ensuite une sieste à l'ombre....
bisous, Faya

The Thuglets said...

Hello..what brilliant photos!

Sorry we missed you in the chatroom..we have had a busy couple of weeks!LOL

Have a fun weekend.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets

Noah the Airedale said...

You're looking very wooley there. Love the tight curls. Those photos are great. We have magnolias in our garden too. The pink flowers and the huge white ones too. Tess just did a post of her walk around our garden too. What a coincidence.

Have a great weekend.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx

Cassidy said...

Hi hi Sephie. Me would love to chew on those ferns too, yummy! At the moment me generally ahs somebit of grass or twig stuck in my beard!

Cassidy x

Dandy Duke said...

We love Magnolias but we don't eat the petals - not even Mitch! Do you, Sephie?
Dad wants to know where he can find that tinman! He wants to see it in person!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Black and Tans. said...

Hello Sephie

I, Molly like flowers, but only really because there are usually some tasty insects flying in and out and I doo love to catch them.

Molly and Taffy

Bogart H. Devil said...

Ah, that lovely beard of yours my dear. It makes me all tingly...


Princess Patches said...

Your Magnolias are very pretty. Ours didn't get a chance to end up on the ground because the evil squirrels were eating the blossoms! That's what Mom gets for not filling the squirrel feeder EVERYday! They are such evil critters! This morning, she caught one on the squirrel-proof bird feeder. He was pretty funny since Mom knew that he actually couldn't get any food out of it.

Poppy & Penny

Molly and Gertrude said...

Hey - we have a secret to tell JUST you guys (honestly!). If we get a little sister soon, then Persephone is in the top 3 of the list of mum and dad's favourite names to call her! The others are Olive, Henrietta and Harriet...oh yes and Beatrice - but we like Persephone!
What do you reckon?

Love Molly and Gertrude
(we want a girl, we want a girl...)!
ps - if it's a boy, we may have to come back to you for some good names - we haven't got any....:(

Molly and Gertrude said...

ps - that's a human sister, not a puppy one....