Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lock 12: Buster's Adventurous Journey into Deepest, Darkest Cheshire

Snow flurries on a Sunday afternoon. Time for a pre-SuperBowl Male Bonding Experience with the dad! The PT Cruiser has been fitted out to set sail for Terra Incognita.

Okay, we'll ditch the silly hat!

After a fearsome journey of many leagues, we arrive at our destination.

Back in Colonial Times (when the Brits forced us to be civilized), there was a barge canal that carried the necessities of life from New Haven (on Long Island Sound) to Farmington (not far from Hartford). The canal has silted in, but the horse-path is now a greenway for bikers, rollerbladers, and Kerry Blue Terriers.

The old locks are still there, and the canal, currently frozen-over, does support a population of ducks, muskrat, geese, and wooly mammoths.

The dad told me that this was a lock...but I'm confused. Why did they have to lock it? To keep the airedales out?

Seems like a lot of this stuff happened before I was born. I'll bet this place even pre-dates Britney Spears!

C'Mon, Dad--let's get moving! There've gotta be hot chicks taking a Sunday walk. Did I ever tell you about that cute little Welsh terrier?

YeGads! You didn't tell me it was going to be DANGEROUS! Lions and tigers and swans, Oh My...

Okay, that was a bit of a let-down!

It's pretty, in a bucolic sort of way...folks must have been awfully lonely around here, though!

They have these benches to sit on, donated by the relatives of people who read William Blake. A good sign!

So far, I've met a golden retriever, a German shorthaired pointer, and a pit bull; and I've scared the living daylights out of all of 'em! I love my work!

Wonder what Dad's planning for dinner... I'd really like to try canard à l'orange, with a good Chardonnay!

Wow--those are BIG timbers for moving the old lock doors! I've heard stories they used animals for slave labor in those days!

Okay--we've walked about two miles! This frozen canal is getting old, and I'm hungry!

That's better! I'll just take a nap on the way home and dream of that roast duck!




Stanley said...

Yo, Bustoober Boy!

You had a day of male bonding and I had a Stanley & me day with my hoogirl! Every once in awhile it's nice to leave the house without the sibs. (Know what I mean?)

You look mighty fine highlighted against the natural background of Lock #12. Sorry you didn't get anything a l'range. (maybe next time).

Goober love,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

ur trip looks adventurous..n it looks historical too..

but no lion n tiger there...that's dissapointed....i wonder how aggressive can birds be...

Dandy Duke said...

What a neat adventure, Buster! Hey, we liked that hat in the first picture!
Your hooman sure knows a lot about history!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Persephone and Buster said...

maggie & mitch...he's been reading those signs again... i told him signs were put up for me... i sprinkle them and they grow more ...and i sprinkle them.. and more...etc etc etc...

Cassidy said...

Do you be sure there be woolly mammoths Buster? Looks like a nice place for walkies, but would be better with Airedales to meet and greet!

Do you have a talking orb ball then? Me loves mine sooooo much.

Cassidy x

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Sephie and Buster,
Another great walk and lesson. We love to visit your blog. It's always so interesting. What a pity you didn't get to meet any airedales on your walk....maybe next time.
How did you get on with the duck??

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy