Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Yes, We Believe in Santa!

It was a truly magical Christmas!

I, Miss Persephone, took my station directly in front of the tree, in anticipation of the arrival of that notorious dwarf with his bundle of squeaky-toys and treats.

Buster chose to guard the egg nog in the kitchen.

Bailey, our über-mom, provided some moral support on this occasion by licking my ears.

Oh, Ecstasy! The Bearded One cometh!

Our St. Nicolas is a bit Druidic. He treasures the things of the forest. Like us wolf-children.

Each year, he brings lots of cool things for Buster, me, and the assorted humans who share our house. Mom got lots of clothes and a portable DVD player--Dad got a cool infrared water-temperature indicator for his flyfishing--and we superior canine beings got lots of things to chew on!

Bailey DOES get a little manic when opening her presents (as well as those belonging to anyone else!). She says it's good therapy. Hey, if it works for her, that's fine. Anyway, Bailey's our Official Present-Opener!

It DOES exact a certain toll, however.

In the end, she always has to be carried from the scene, exhausted!

How do you like my new earrings?

Christmas Morning ALWAYS has to end with the ritual licking of ears and the wishing of good cheer and Canine-Consciousness to our lesser human friends.

Bailey is "in recovery" 'til next year!

Merry Christmas!



Dandy Duke said...

It looks like you guys had an awesome Christmas! We've never done ear cleaning on each other! Maybe we should give it a whirl!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Miriam said...

There's nothing better than present-opening, you're right. Add cold temperature outside, holidays for mum, and tons of delicious food and cookies. It's pawfect, isn't it?

You are happy you are a threesome, I have to do the ear-licking with my human mom, she does not really get it though...


Noah the Airedale said...

Bailey looks like she thoroughly enjoyed herself this Christmas.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i saw hundreds of pressie waiting to be u need my help??

btw...ur ribbon earring looks funny....i wonder does it looks good on me?

Balboa said...

what a wonderful Christmas you had, I believe in Santa too.

Happy New Year to you & your family

Frenchie Snorts

Stanley said...

Looks like you all had a FABulous Christmas. I'm very into ear cleaning too... just started doing that for Stella (and she LOVES it). Except for the deliciously gooberish look on Buster's face, it's hard to tell you all apart. Any references for the uninitiated to tell?

Goober love,