Saturday, December 15, 2007

Snowbunnies--Part I

Buster here. Oh how I love the snow!

It makes my beard whiter.

I can roll in it.

I can make it yellow.

Snow and I were made for each other!

Bailey and I spend hours skulking about on the back deck!

Never know what you might find...

We've had skunks and opossums make their home
under this deck!

But the big issue is WILSON! My BusterBall!

Ever try to find a yellow tennis ball in white (or yellow) snow?

Darn, this is embarrassing!

It's gotta be here SOMEWHERE.

Bailey keeps giving me that "I told you so" look!

She doesn't understand the cosmic significance of repetitively retrieving a worn, fuzzy, yellow tennis ball. She'd rather curl up with a Jane Austen novel or watch "Dancing with the Stars."

No sympathy from this corner!

Okay--I got an angle on this problem. Let's do it on the deck!

Well--it might appear a bit anemic!

BusterBall confined to the back deck is kind of like playing soccer in a bathtub. I just can't demonstrate my "moves" for the girls in my life. Girls? They're too busy laughing at me! But spring can't be too far behind, and one must do one's best to remain in good form.

Besides--tomorrow, the deck will be solid ice from the big storm bearing down on bucolic New England, and I'll be stuck inside getting petted and loved. The tedium!

'til tomorrow,



Dandy Duke said...

Not only can't you find the ball but it's hard and frozen when you do! You got good smells underneath your deck!!!!!
OMG, look at the length of your beards!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...

I don't understand tennis ball obsession, but Cassidy is developing the illness I fear.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Noah the Airedale said...

We're just amazed at all the snow so many of our blogging maties are getting. You really look like your enjoying it Buster.
Keep on having fun.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Snowball said...

I think that you look really great with the snow surrounding you. I can see how much you love it. I love your outfit but such outfit is not suitable for the weather in Singapore.
